New Year Celebration and Human Chain – Swachh Bharat Abiyaan at NRC ON MEAT
New Year celebrations were held at National Research Centre on Meat on 1 Jan’2015. Dr. V.V. Kulkarni, Director has extended greetings personally to each and every member of the staff and then he has delivered New Year message. All the staff have reciprocated and taken resolutions to strengthen the vision of NRCM for the developmental activities in the ensuing year.
All staff members comprising of Scientiific, Technical, Administrative, Research fellows, Contractual and Security have participated in the formation of HUMAN CHAIN to express solidarity for SWACHH Bharat Mission. Subsequently, as a part of SWACHH Bharat Abiyaan all members have actively associated in cleaning the adjoining premises of the campus, at the entrance gate, over a duration of 90 minutes.